
Utilization of Waste Plastic in Road Construction
Nitish M. Patil1, V.G. Khurd2
1Mr. Nitish M. Patil, Department of Civil Engineering, SSDCT‘S Group of Institutions Atigre, Kolhapur, India.
2Mr. V.G.Khurd, Department of Civil Engineering, SSDCT‘S Group of Institutions Atigre, Kolhapur, India.
Manuscript Received on August 10, 2015. | Revised Manuscript Received on July 11, 2015. | Manuscript published on August 20, 2015. | PP: 25-28 | Volume-3 Issue-9, August 2015. | Retrieval Number: I0660083915/2015©BEIESP
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Abstract: Now days, the steady increment in high traffic intensity in terms of commercial vehicles, and the significant variation in daily and seasonal temperature put us in a demanding situation to think of some alternatives for the improvisation of the pavement characteristics and quality by applying some necessary modifications which shall satisfy both the strength as well as economical aspects. Also considering the environmental approach, due to excessive use of polythenes in day to day business, the pollution to the environment is enormous. Since the polythenes are not biodegradable, the need of the current hour is to use the waste polythene in some beneficial purposes. In present study various percentages of polythene are used for preparation of mixes with a selected aggregate grading. Marshall Properties such as stability, flow value, unit weight, air voids are used to determine optimum polythene content for the given grade of bitumen
Keywords: Waste Plastic, pavement, Marshall Stability