
Conversion of into Liquid Hydrocarbons
Jaswant Singh

Dr Jaswant Singh, Director, B-1, Crystal Gold Apptt.Near Maitri Park, Vijalpore Road, Navsari, 396445 Gujarat India.
Manuscript Received on July 08, 2015. | Revised Manuscript Received on July 15, 2015. | Manuscript published on July 20, 2015. | PP: 39-41 | Volume-3 Issue-8, July 2015. | Retrieval Number: H0650073815/2015©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Various methods of degradation of polymeric material polyolefin waste, polystyrene , waste wax, PVC, rubbers ,PET bottles etc are reported in the literature . There are two types of catalytic degradation of plastics , one is liquid phase catalytic degradation and other method is where hydrocarbon vapours are passed over catalyst bed to decompose the long chain hydrocarbons into small ones. We have done both type of work but in the present paper catalytic plastic degradation was done in the liquid phase only. The purpose of our research was to catalytic degradation of waste plastics .We found that polyolefins gave the maximum yields of the fuel oil. Aluminosilicates with different cations were used as catalysts and were activated before putting them in the reactor and then waste plastics was added. In some cases combination of the two or more catalysts was used for degradation of the plastics. In most of the cases the conversion of waste plastic to fuel oil remained between 95 – 100 % ml liquid / 100 gm of plastic waste. We carried out repeated experiments using the same quantity of waste plastic and the catalyst and found that similar quantities of the oil was obtained. In case of waste plastic containing paper stickers and heated to 300 to 460oC, very low quantity of liquid oil collected which was blackish in colour .Non condensable gases were formed in good quantity. Black carbonaceous residue was also obtained. Carbonaceous residue was pressed into pellets The pellets when ignited by flame burned till completely turned into ash. Calorific value, ASTM Distillation and complete GC-MS analysis of liquid obtained from product carried out. We used the oil to run the scooter as well as house generator. No problem was arised in running both of them.
Keywords: catalysts, liquid hydrocarbons, waste Plastics