
Analysis of Multimodal Biometric System Based on Level of Fusion
Mrunal Pathak1, N. Srinivasu2

1Mrunal Pathak, Department of Information Technology, AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (Maharashtra). India.
2N. Srinivasu, Department of Computer Engineering, KL University, Guntur (Anndra Pradesh). India.
Manuscript Received on July 01, 2015. | Revised Manuscript Received on July 02, 2015. | Manuscript published on July 20, 2015. | PP: 8-11 | Volume-3 Issue-8, July 2015. | Retrieval Number: G0642063715/2015©BEIESP
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Abstract: User authentication is essential to provide security that restricts access to system and data resources. Biometric system refers to an recognition of legitimate user based on a feature vector(s) derived from their distinguishing behavioral and/or physiological traits like face, finger, speech iris, gait, etc., Research on biometrics has distinctly increased for solving identification and authentication issues in forensics, physical and computer security , custom and immigration, However, unimodal biometric system is not able to satisfy acceptability, speed, and reliability constraints of authentication in real applications due to noise in sensed data, spoof attacks, data quality, lack of distinctiveness, restricted degree of freedom, non-universality and other factors. Therefore multimodal biometric systems are used to increase security as well as better performance. This paper presents overview of different multimodal biometric (multibiometric) systems and their fusion techniques with respective their performance
Keywords: Biometrics, Unimodal, Multimodal, Fusion, Multibiometric Systems