
Increase the Capacity Amount of Data Hiding to Least Significant BIT Method
Ghadah Al-Khafaji1, Hazeem B. Taher2, Nura Anwer Abdulzahara3

1Dr. Ghadah Al-Khafaji, Baghdad University, College of Science, Iraq.
2Dr. Hazeem B. Taher, Thi-Qar University, College of science, Iraq.
3Nura Anwer Abdulzahara, Thi-Qar University, College of Science, Iraq.
Manuscript received on June 09, 2014. | Revised Manuscript Received on June 20, 2014. | Manuscript published on June 20, 2014. | PP: 5-7 | Volume-2, Issue-7, May 2014. | Retrieval Number: G0479062714/2014©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: In this paper a new strategy to increase the number of bits hiding in each image for LSB method is suggested to give more data capacity with high secure stegano image. The technique of hiding a private message within a file in such a manner that third party cannot know the existence of matter or the hidden information. The purpose of Steganography is to create secrete communication between the sender and the receiver by replacing the least significant bits (LSB)of the cover image with the data bits depending on the type of the pixel class if it is edge then exchange two bits else one bit exchanged.
Keywords: Image steganography, text hiding, Least Significant Bit algorithm.