Volume-1 Issue-2, January 2013
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- Create Date January 30, 2013
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Volume-1 Issue-2, January 2013, ISSN: 2319-9598 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
Strengthening of R.C.C. Beam- Using Different Glass Fiber
Sandeep G. Sawant1, A. B. Sawant2, M. B. Kumthekar3
Utilization of Neutralized Red Mud (Industrial Waste) in Concrete
A. B. Sawant1, M. B. Kumthekar2, S. G. Sawant3
Design & Implementation of FPGA Based on PID Controller
Rajesh Nema1, Rajeev Thakur2, Ruchi Gupta3
Computer Network: “Analyzed Techniques For Measuring, Presenting And Interpreting The Different Properties For Remote Computer Network Administration”
Devajit Mahanta1, Majidul Ahmed2