Intellectual Property:

Copyright is a specific category of intellectual property law that safeguards the rights of creators by protecting their original works of authorship [1]. This protection automatically occurs when an author captures their creative expression in a tangible format, such as writing, recording, or other forms of fixation. Copyright covers a wide range of creative outputs, including literary works, music, visual arts, films, and software, ensuring that the authors have exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their creations [2]. These legal protections grant authors complete control over how their works are used, benefiting them financially from their creativity while promoting the advancement of culture and knowledge.

Copyright Consent:
The International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) liberally grants copyrights to all articles published online (except in specific instances noted otherwise), empowering readers, researchers, and institutions to utilise the content freely and without restriction. This includes permissions for activities such as linking to the articles, downloading them, distributing copies, printing, and reproducing the material in various formats. However, it is essential to note that any modifications to the original content are not permitted, and the articles are not to be used for any commercial purposes without prior authorisation.

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The authors of the articles and materials published in the International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) retain the copyrights to their respective works. This means that the authors maintain ownership over the intellectual property represented in their submissions. However, it is essential to note that while the authors hold the copyrights, the IJIES retains the commercial rights associated with the published articles and materials as a sign of respect for the intellectual property. This arrangement allows the IJIES to manage the published content’s distribution, reproduction, and financial aspects while upholding the authors’ rights to their original works.

The author(s) must explicitly acknowledge and confirm that the International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) unconditionally and indefinitely retain all commercial rights to the articles published within its pages. This retention of rights is by Intellectual Property Law, specifically Article 22 of Act 5846, which asserts the Journal’s entitlement to distribute the published works [3]. Furthermore, the IJIES has the authority to share these articles publicly, as outlined in Article 23 of the same law. Additionally, under Article 25, the Journal asserts its full rights to communicate about the published article at any time, from any location, and through any means of communication. This comprehensive framework ensures that the Journal can maintain control over the dissemination and usage of its published content.

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  • The International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) retains exclusive rights to publish and distribute an article, with the ability to grant permission to third parties, including for commercial exploitation.
  • The author reserves the right to disseminate the article across various formats and media, facilitating its utilisation with the latest technological advancements, even after publication.
  • An author has the legal right to initiate action against third parties who violate their intellectual property rights, including plagiarism or copyright infringement. This authority empowers the author to safeguard their work and ensure their intellectual property is respected.

Third-Party Consent:
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Protecting Author Rights:
The International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) prioritises safeguarding authors’ intellectual property and reputations through stringent copyright measures. In the event of ethical disputes, allegations of fraud, plagiarism, or any infringement issues, a specialised in-house legal team must be maintained to address these concerns effectively. It is essential to acknowledge that specific open-access licenses facilitate extensive re-use, which may not necessarily equate to copyright violation. For any requests about using an article, remember that the journal’s editor-in-chief is the key person to contact for appropriate permissions.

The authors are responsible for the views articulated and the data presented in the published articles and materials. The Publisher (Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)) and its journal (International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)) expressly disclaim any liability in this context. All related disputes shall be governed solely by the jurisdiction of Bhopal (M.P.), India.

Address of the Correspondence:

  • Journal: International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), # G-18, Block-A, Tirupati Abhinav Commercial Campus, Tirupati Abhinav Homes, Ayodhya Bypass Road, Damkheda, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) – 462037, India. E-mail: Website:
  • Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP), # G-18, Block-A, Tirupati Abhinav Commercial Campus, Tirupati Abhinav Homes, Ayodhya Bypass Road, Damkheda, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) – 462037, India. Email: Website:


  1. U.S. Copyright Office | Copyright Law
  2. Intellectual property | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
  3. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)| Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works dated 5/12/1951