
The International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) retains the authority to reject any advertisement it deems unsuitable for its mission or inconsistent with the principles of its members, publication/website, or organisation. Additionally, the International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) reserves the right to discontinue accepting any previously received advertisement. All advertisements are subject to thorough scrutiny by the chief editor. No separate agreements with the journal and its subsidiaries shall override this policy under any circumstances [1].

Advertising products or services related to alcohol, tobacco, weapons, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling and lottery, and pornography or related themes is strictly prohibited. Moreover, advertisements that promote products using the term miracle or make health claims without proper evidence are not permitted. Promotions targeting children are strictly forbidden [2][3].

Advertisers are required to provide evidence to support the claims they make. In cases where products fall outside the jurisdiction of the FDA or other government bodies, it may be necessary to submit technical and scientific documentation. The documents should be comprehensive, accurate, and credible and should be able to substantiate any claims made about the product.

Products advertised with health claims that the FDA has rejected must include a disclaimer stating that the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated [2][3]. This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or ailment. Its use is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

To ensure transparency, advertisers must prioritise information-rich advertising and ensure that advertising icons and logos are distinguishable from editorial content [2]. It may be necessary to use specific labelling to provide clarity between them.

It is not allowed to intentionally place advertisements next to articles discussing the company or product advertised in professional publications [4].

In the realm of online advertising, certain types of ads are strictly prohibited. These include Pop-ups and floating ads, which are intrusive and often disrupt the user experience. Additionally, any ad that collects personally identifiable information without explicit permission is prohibited. Ads that extend across or down the page without the user having clicked or rolled over the ad, as well as ads that redirect users to another site without their consent, are also off-limits. These rules are in place to protect user privacy and ensure a positive online experience for all.

The advertising policies are dynamic and may change without prior notification, as they are not exhaustive in their scope.


  1. Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA)
  2. World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) – Advertising
  3. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) – Advertising
  4. COPE- Adverting
  5. Strictly inherited to the Editorial and Publishing Policies of Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)